30th to 31st May 2009, along went to outside camping at ASLI ADVENTURE, Kuala Pangsun, Hulu Langat. This is the 2nd time that she went camping outside of the school (normally the camping event is only done in school compound where they have to camp overnight there). Last year she went to Polo Blue River which is also in Hulu Langat. It's compulsory for Al-Amin students in standard 4, standard 5 and standard 6 as this will be part of the credit that is counted for Syahadah SPPM (SPPM means Sijil Penilaian Pelajar Musleh which needs to be taken by all Islamic School students besides taking UPSR). All this while their uniform body group was Shabab & Fatayat (Shabab means boys and fatayat means girl) but starting this year it is changed to TKRS (Tunas Kadet Remaja Sekolah). The new shirt is green in colour compared to the old one which is blue in colour.
Along was in charged to bring a mat and homecooked dish for her group. So I cooked and packed for her, she also brought BRAHIM and few packs of biscuits and they finish it up at one go..... The program is good for her to attend as before this experience, Along was a very frightful person. Everywhere she went in the house she will ask angah to accompany her. During the camping one of the programs was the "Night Walk", it starts at 10 pm and each of the student will be separated at certain distance and they have to walk alone in the dark without any torchlight to the destination that had been fixed by the teacher. Not only the students but almost all of the teachers and ustaz joined the camping trip and in the darkness the teachers actually were all over around the place.. Some will tease these kids He..He..He.. Of course there were kids who cried frightfully including the boys..He..He.. Other than that they also got chance to bathe in the river (Along was thrilled as the water was so cold), hiking, playing games, built gadgets using bamboo, learned how to cook sardine, boiled egg & rice ect..but it's totally a different experience from what we did 25 years ago in the scouts and girl guides. We used real tents with sticks and cook with real camp fire. Now they use gas stoves......ah.. those were the good old days.
I kindda like the concept of sharing, co-operation, qana'ah and the building of self confidence that they are trying to instill in these kids. Everybody missed along that night hu..hu... The house feels empty even when only one of the member was not around..Angah and adik missed along and kept asking when their sister will be back. Hubby also after came back from work searching for along, he had forgotten that along went for camping. Baby also missed Along as Along used to babysit her when ibu is busy with other chores.
Along came back on Sunday at 5pm.. She looks very tired but happy..She was flat after solat Maghrib, woke up only for Isya' and Subuh..He..He Unfortunately, there's no photo during the camping coz the kids were not allowed to bring any electrical gadgets...
Along just arrived
Showing her mat used during camping..
This is what Along used to do at home.. Babysitting.. But instead of putting the baby to sleep, she also sleep..