Thursday, October 18, 2012

10 things to hand down to your daughter

Saya bertemu satu catatan yang sangat menarik dalam FB Understanding Islam iaitu 10 perkara bijak yang boleh anda hadiahkan pada anak perempuan anda... Yang paling istimewa buat saya adalah pada no ke 2..kerana ia sungguh unik dan istimewa berbanding senarai-senarai lain yang boleh dilakukan oleh sesiapa sahaja.. Sepanjang perjalanan saya dalam berusaha dan istiqamah dalam menjadikan semua anak-anak baik perempuan mahupun lelaki sebagai penghafal Al-Quran inilah cabaran terbesar buat para ibu.. Tidak semua ibu yang rata-ratanya mempunyai niat yang sama mampu melakukan hal ini (mendengar hafalan anak selama 2-3 jam sehari atau membantunya dengan hafalan baru..) Kebanyakannya hanya melepaskan pada guru-guru dan tenaga pengajar sedangkan ia merupakan perkara yang boleh menjadi saham terbesar di alam barzakh nanti iaitu.. "ilmu yang bermanfaat yang kita laburkan masa kita walaupun sekejap tetapi selagi mana anak-anak itu membaca Al-Quran pahalanya akan terus mengalir kepada kita".. Saya sering teringat kata-kata Pn Lina dalam blognya bahawa berebut-rebutlah kita untuk mendapat pahala dengan istiqamah mengajar anak sendiri ketika mereka di rumah janganlah kita biarkan guru-guru mereka sahaja yg mendapat pahala itu...
Semoga arwah atuk saya yang mula-mula mengajar saya bacaan Bismillah dan Al-Fatihah ketika berusia 5 tahun begitu juga arwah nenek yang selalu menghantar saya ke rumah-rumah guru-guru mengaji saya ketika dikampung, abah yang mengajar bacaan dalam solat dan mummy yang menjadi guru mengaji saya suatu ketika dulu akan beroleh pahala yang mengalir itu selagi mana saya terus istiqamah mendidik anak dengan Al-Quran... Semoga Allah SWT memberikan kita  kesabaran dan istiqamah dalam mendidik anak dengan Al-Quran insya-ALLAH.. 

‎10 things to hand down to your daughter

Dear Members, As Salaamu Alaikum

Today will share with you 10 wise things which you can gift to your daughter.

(1) Knowledge of and love for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Deen (Islam):
This is one of the most precious and enduring gifts you can pass down to your daughter, one that will benefit her in this life and the next.

(2) Memorization of the Quran:
No matter how little you have memorized yourself, push your daughter to memorize as much as she can. Encourage her and help her to revise. It will stand her in good stead in her life and will be a source of reward for you after your death as well.

(3) A good example of Muslim womanhood:
Most girls look to their mothers for Guidance. Embody the characteristics of a strong, faithful Muslimah and she will be inspired to follow your example.

(4) A sense of self-worth and self-esteem:
Instill a sense of confidence in your child by encouraging her skills, talents and personality to develop. Make her feel secure in her identity and show her that she is loved and appreciated. This will have a positive impact on her future relationships and how she interacts with the world.

(5) A sense of modesty:
Instill a love for Hijab in your daughter and encourage her to be modest, never boastful or conceited, in all areas of her life.

(6) Your language:
If you speak Arabic be sure to teach it to her so that she has the key to the understanding of the Quran. Also, if you have a mother tongue or speak a second language yourself, pass it on: a second or third language is always an asset, whether in study, work or social environment.

(7) A skill that you have:
If you are an avid gardener, knitter or love painting, pass your skill onto your daughter. With so many traditional skills being lost in today’s fast-paced world, you owe it to her to share your knowledge and pass it on to the next generation.

(8) Your favorite recipes:
Yes, teach your daughter how to cook! Be it from a cookbook, an original recipe or passed down from your mother or even your grandmother, we all have our own trademark recipes: pass them on to your daughter and encourage her to develop some specialties of her own.

(9) Housekeeping skills:
Instill good housekeeping habits in all your children and encourage them to take pride in a neat and tidy home. Pass any tricks or shortcuts on so that your daughter is well-equipped when she has a home of her own.

(10) Your family history:
Give her a sense of her roots and heritage by sharing your family story with her. Acquaint her with her family tree and teach her the lessons learned by the different generations. Hopefully, she will do the same with her children, In sha Allah.



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