Thursday 28th May was Tadika Amal's Parent-Teacher's Day. There was no school for that day and the parents had to go to the school to meet the class teacher of their kids to know the progress of their children. I went with adik and baby since hubby had to go to work. Adik's class teacher was teacher Nadrah. There were only 6 students in his class since they were the youngest (4 years old). There were 2 more classes for 5 years old and 6 years old respectively. Upon talking to the teacher, I was very impressed with adik's progress as he already can read certain doa with meaning, solat, taking ablution and tracing the number or alphabatical dots. He was already reading Iqra' 2 (there are 6 books in Iqra' before the children can read Al-Quran) and going to read Bacalah Anakku book 2 (there are 9 books in bacalah anakku before the child can read on their own).Below are some of the art and craft that adik had done in his class..
A rainbow fish he..he..he..
Apple and chilly made from f lour .. So CUTE!!
A brown elephant
Cut and paste activity
Printing using onion cutting shape
SUBUH..They learned about time to pray
As a tribute to Prophet Muhammad's birthday
They even learned about things that can be used for "Istinjak"..Amazing for 4 years old huh! Ibu and abah only learned that while in Standard 5.. He..He..
Adik with his class teacher - Teacher Nadrah
Adik's class. I forgot to ask the class name. My camera met with an accident, thus the pictures are not so clear. I'm eyeing for a new camera now..He..He.. I love Ina's camera coz the photos that she took look very clear and sharp.
This Tadika Amal is only 3 minutes walk from my house and I'm glad that we made the right decision to send adik there early this year. So I think adik will be here till 6 years old as he loves the school very much. What I like most about this school is they instill the Islamic value to the children in interesting manners. Adik at home can follow abah in jamaah prayer. Amazingly, he can also recite Al-Fatihah fluently but the rest of the bacaan in the solat he'll immitate and mumbling his own version He..He..He.. The most funniest bacaan that he used to recite is the meaning of doa makan in English which I do not understand the head or tail and only hear "hell fire" -api neraka.. He..He.. Actually it should mean "Ya Allah, berkatilah kami dengan apa-apa yang telah Kau rezekikan kepada kami dan jauhkanlah kami orang-orang Islam dari siksaan api neraka" if I'm not mistaken.. and he has dozens of songs that he will sing everyday to baby Mawaddah...He..He.. One of it will be
"Bangun pagi, gosok gigi,
cuci muka, terus mandi,
pakai baju, minum susu,
pegi sekolah Tadika Amal.. "
During my confinement, instead of 11.30am, adik had to come back at 2.30 pm by van. I have to put him to transit as I cannot take care of both baby and him at home.. Pity my poor big baby, he had another accident under his chin when he fell down while playing.. Sob..Sob..Sob.. But starting June he'll be back as usual by van..He just love the short ride which he always called as "Geng Bas Sekolah". Really miss his bubbly chat..
Adik just came back from pre-school. Assalammualaikum ibu, adik dah balik!
Another accident under his chin..
One of his favourite game at home, Teng-teng.. He..He..
My two adorable companions at home
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Angah's "Khatam Al-Quran Ceremony"
Memory of angah's "Khatam Al-Quran Ceremony" in 2008.. Alhamdulillah angah had completed his Quran reading in Standard One. Along too but no softcopy photos of along. Both of them completed their Quran reading at PUSPETA. Angah "Khatam" together with auntie Fezzy's eldest daughter (sister Dina). PUSPETA celebrated the kids who finished the Al-Quran in kampung way.. There were "Bunga Manggar" and "Bunga Telur".. So hapenning.. Look at the photos below:-
The "Bunga Manggar" boy..Maybe met with an accident before the ceremony. The girl at the back in white tudung was Dina
The "Bunga Manggar" boy..Maybe met with an accident before the ceremony. The girl at the back in white tudung was Dina
Khatam started. One by one had to read certain surah
Angah received token from his Tok Guru (Ustaz Sanusi)
Nasyid time..
The whole nasyid team
CONGRATULATION!! My dear children.. Ibu n abah are proud of both of you.. Hoping that adik and baby will follow your step...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Selamat Hari Ibu...Lidah sendi segala kebaikan..
10 Mei adalah Hari Ibu.. Ibu jarang nak sambut Hari Ibu sbb pada ibu, ibu perlu disayangi & dihargai sepanjang masa... Sedar tak sedar anak2 ibu pun dah besar2 dan tahu apa erti Hari Ibu.. Pepagi lagi along suruh pejam mata and letak something atas tangan.. Eeee.. Gelang!! Jerit ibu, along and abahnya serta angah yang pakat2. Along buat sendiri guna manik warna pink..ada dolphin, octopus, butterfly.. Cantik sangat! Angah bagi one kiss kat pipi ibu, baby bagi tangisan He3x.. The next daynya, adik balik dpd sekolah.. Tengah ibu basuh baju adik dtg berjengket2, tangan kat belakang macam sembunyi sesuatu je... Tiba2 adik cakap.. "Suprise, Selamat Hari Jadi Ibu!" La.. bila lak hari jadi ibu.. Rupanya cikgu adik ajar buat kad Hari Ibu kat Tadika tapi adik konpius.. Ingat Hari Jadi Ibu.. He3x Yealah adik tak tau baca lagi.. Terima kasih anak2 ibu.. Ibu langsung tak ingat hari ibu tu bila...
Sedang ibu asyik membaca magazine kesayangan ibu ANIS, ibu tertarik tentang topik Hari Ibu iaitu "Lidah Mengangkat Wanita Ke Syurga", maka dengan itu terfikir gak ibu lidah juga boleh membawa wanita ke neraka.. Memanglah syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu tapi kalau seorang ibu tu tak jaga lidahnya dapat ke jadi ahli syurga??.. Saja ibu nak tulis kat sini utk ingatan diri sendiri dan anak2 kesayangan ibu..
Rasulullah SAW bertanya kepada Mu'az, " Apakah engkau mahu aku khabarkan kepadamu kunci kepada segala kebaikan itu?" Aku (Mu'az) menjawab: "Tentu, ya Rasulullah". Maka Baginda memegang lidah Baginda seraya bersabda: "Peliharalah benda ini!" Aku berkata: " Ya, Nabi Allah, apakah kami akan diseksa akibat daripada ucapan lidah kami?" Nabi SAW bersabda: "Ibumu akan kehilanganmu wahai Mu'az! Tiadalah manusia itu dihumbankan mukanya (ditelungkupkan hidungnya) ke dalam api neraka kecuali kerana hasil tanaman lidah-lidah mereka." (Riwayat Imam Tirmidzi dan Hakim).
Sabda Nabi SAW:"Simpanlah lisanmu, kecuali untuk berkata yang baik. Sebab dengan demikian itu engkau dapat mengalahkan godaan syaitan." (Riwayat Thabrani dan Ibnu Hibban)
Maafkan ibu jika tersalah atau tersilap dalam berbahasa kerana ibu juga masih dalam usaha memperbaiki diri menjadi ibu yang terbaik.... untuk mendapat anak2 yang terbaik ibu juga perlu menjadi ibu yang terbaik!
SELAMAT HARI IBU to both mummies (My MIL and my mom), Mama, Umi and all my friends who read this blog..
Kad daripada Adik
Cuma ibu suka sgt bulan Mei.. Sejak sekolah rendah lagi sbb byk cuti He3x.. Hari Buruh, Hari Guru, Hari Wesak.. Pehtu ada makan free kat sekolah and tak yah belajar masa Hari Guru.. B'day ibu pun bulan Mei (14 Mei), annivesary pun bulan Mei (25 Mei), b'day abah ibu 15 Mei and b'day anak ibu along 27 Mei...
Sedang ibu asyik membaca magazine kesayangan ibu ANIS, ibu tertarik tentang topik Hari Ibu iaitu "Lidah Mengangkat Wanita Ke Syurga", maka dengan itu terfikir gak ibu lidah juga boleh membawa wanita ke neraka.. Memanglah syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu tapi kalau seorang ibu tu tak jaga lidahnya dapat ke jadi ahli syurga??.. Saja ibu nak tulis kat sini utk ingatan diri sendiri dan anak2 kesayangan ibu..
Kat sini ibu petik beberapa ingatan:
Rasulullah SAW bertanya kepada Mu'az, " Apakah engkau mahu aku khabarkan kepadamu kunci kepada segala kebaikan itu?" Aku (Mu'az) menjawab: "Tentu, ya Rasulullah". Maka Baginda memegang lidah Baginda seraya bersabda: "Peliharalah benda ini!" Aku berkata: " Ya, Nabi Allah, apakah kami akan diseksa akibat daripada ucapan lidah kami?" Nabi SAW bersabda: "Ibumu akan kehilanganmu wahai Mu'az! Tiadalah manusia itu dihumbankan mukanya (ditelungkupkan hidungnya) ke dalam api neraka kecuali kerana hasil tanaman lidah-lidah mereka." (Riwayat Imam Tirmidzi dan Hakim).
Pernah satu ketika seorang sahabat bertanya kepada Nabi SAW tentang seorang wanita Mukmin yang dikenalinya sangat kuat beribadah. Pada siang harinya wanita itu berpuasa sunat dan malamnya dia bangun bertahajud malam. Tetapi wanita berkenaan sering menyakiti jiran dengan lidahnya. Lantas Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Tiada lagi kebaikan pada wanita itu melainkan dia ahli neraka." (Riwayat Imam Bukhari dan Ahmad)
Sabda Nabi SAW:"Simpanlah lisanmu, kecuali untuk berkata yang baik. Sebab dengan demikian itu engkau dapat mengalahkan godaan syaitan." (Riwayat Thabrani dan Ibnu Hibban)
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Wahai kaum wanita! Bersedekahlah kamu semua dan hendaklah memperbanyakkan istighfar kerana aku melihat kalian sebagai penghuni neraka yang terbanyak." Bertanya kaum wanita, "Kenapa kami yang terbanyak dalam neraka wahai Rasulullah?" Nabi SAW menjawab: "Kerana kamu semua banyak mengutuk dan mengingkari budi baik suami." (Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim dan lain2). Pepatah Arab ada mengatakan "Jika hendak berbuat baik, sangatlah mudah. Cuma maniskan wajah dan lembutkan lidah." Tapi kita selalu lupa.. Oleh itu, ukirkan senyuman, maniskan wajah dan hiasi lidah dengan budi bahasa yang luhur walaupun pada orang yang bersikap kasar pada kita...
Maafkan ibu jika tersalah atau tersilap dalam berbahasa kerana ibu juga masih dalam usaha memperbaiki diri menjadi ibu yang terbaik.... untuk mendapat anak2 yang terbaik ibu juga perlu menjadi ibu yang terbaik!
SELAMAT HARI IBU to both mummies (My MIL and my mom), Mama, Umi and all my friends who read this blog..
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Dah besar baby ibu..
I'd never regret my decision to resign in May08... Syukur Alhamdulillah for giving me the bundle of joy who keep me busy everyday. Watching her grow in front of my eyes everyday, cuddling and nursing her is the best-ever experience that I'd ever have in my life-time.. Thank you Allah .... Rasanya kalau nak ditukarkan dengan apa pun tak nak rasanya..
Kerja Insya-ALLAH kemudian-kemudian nanti pun boleh kalau perlu ... Nilah the only time yang ada utk bersama anak-anakku masa diorang kecil.. Dah besar tak leh nak pusing balik masa dah... To be with them whenever they need me and to be there always to greet them when they come back from school.. To be always there to be the first to see their first smile, first laugh, first step, first of everything .. So exciting! To cook for them and hubby too though I'm not a good cook.. Thanks to my dear fren Syeedah, Nora and along-Noraini (for their blogs/FP yg penuh dengan receipy).. Pandai gak anak mummy masak akhirnya He3x
Special thanks to my dear hubby too for his understanding, blessing and encouragement to pursue whatever I love to do...
BABY MAWADDAH 1 - 3 Months Old
Baby playing with her 'peek-a-boo ELMO Gym'
Baby first smile at 2 months - very hard to capture this moment!! After few times trial baru dapat this pic.. CHEESE!!
Jalan-jalan time.. Suka sgt naik kereta coz ada air-cond...He3x
Watching her sleep- So adorable and innocent... Made it even harder for me to leave her under other people's care..
At 2 months old- She will nibble on her chubby hand to show that she's hungry..
The very kind hearted Tok Chik..A day before kenduri akikah, Tok chik called and offered untuk jahitkan dress untuk baby pakai masa akikah.. I was really touched... Tok Chik married to mummy's uncle.. I just knew that she was my neighbour cum my sedara few years back.. How Great ALLAH was.. Even during my confinement for Mawaddah she brought the daun2 for mandi and cooked gulai ikan for me.. Coincidently, her daughter Hafizah merupakan rakan se universiti (USM) but only on the last day kat USM baru kitorang tahu yang kitorang bersaudara..Fiza also had given birth to a baby girl (the 1st girl in the family after having 4 boys and was named Aisyah Humaira) 9 days after I gave birth to Mawaddah.. May Allah repay Tok Chik's good deeds and the happiness that Tok Chik and family brought into our family... Amiin
Ustaz Roslan making jokes before the TAHNIK session
My beloved mak angkat.. I really thanks Allah for giving me such a good neighbour which I can regard as my own mother. Who gave me light when I'm in the darkness, the light of mengenal Allah and Islam through the Usrah. Who had devoted her life dan membenarkan rumahnya dijadikan sebagai tempat usrah .. Who always lending her hands to help in whatever situations eventhough she was also in trouble..
Kerja Insya-ALLAH kemudian-kemudian nanti pun boleh kalau perlu ... Nilah the only time yang ada utk bersama anak-anakku masa diorang kecil.. Dah besar tak leh nak pusing balik masa dah... To be with them whenever they need me and to be there always to greet them when they come back from school.. To be always there to be the first to see their first smile, first laugh, first step, first of everything .. So exciting! To cook for them and hubby too though I'm not a good cook.. Thanks to my dear fren Syeedah, Nora and along-Noraini (for their blogs/FP yg penuh dengan receipy).. Pandai gak anak mummy masak akhirnya He3x
Special thanks to my dear hubby too for his understanding, blessing and encouragement to pursue whatever I love to do...
BABY MAWADDAH 1 - 3 Months Old
Baby playing with her 'peek-a-boo ELMO Gym'
Baby first smile at 2 months - very hard to capture this moment!! After few times trial baru dapat this pic.. CHEESE!!
Jalan-jalan time.. Suka sgt naik kereta coz ada air-cond...He3x
Watching her sleep- So adorable and innocent... Made it even harder for me to leave her under other people's care..
At 2 months old- She will nibble on her chubby hand to show that she's hungry..
Tok chik and baby
The very kind hearted Tok Chik..A day before kenduri akikah, Tok chik called and offered untuk jahitkan dress untuk baby pakai masa akikah.. I was really touched... Tok Chik married to mummy's uncle.. I just knew that she was my neighbour cum my sedara few years back.. How Great ALLAH was.. Even during my confinement for Mawaddah she brought the daun2 for mandi and cooked gulai ikan for me.. Coincidently, her daughter Hafizah merupakan rakan se universiti (USM) but only on the last day kat USM baru kitorang tahu yang kitorang bersaudara..Fiza also had given birth to a baby girl (the 1st girl in the family after having 4 boys and was named Aisyah Humaira) 9 days after I gave birth to Mawaddah.. May Allah repay Tok Chik's good deeds and the happiness that Tok Chik and family brought into our family... Amiin
Baby at 1 month plus in different posings (masa ni still pakai sarung tangan coz dia suka garu muka)
On baby's 39th days, makcik Aida (my mak angkat) who used to organize the Usrah at her house had made the Majlis Maulidurrasul and asked me to bring baby for TAHNIK by Ustaz Roslan Mohammad. Alhamdulillah baby was very well behave that night. She slept the whole time. I was really worried that baby will cry or what... Pandai anak ibu..
On baby's 39th days, makcik Aida (my mak angkat) who used to organize the Usrah at her house had made the Majlis Maulidurrasul and asked me to bring baby for TAHNIK by Ustaz Roslan Mohammad. Alhamdulillah baby was very well behave that night. She slept the whole time. I was really worried that baby will cry or what... Pandai anak ibu..
( TAHNIK is the Sunnah where whenever we have a newborn baby, we will bring him/her to the ulama' to put in the madu or kurma + air zam-zam into the mouth after chewing it with his mouth with doa' and hope that our children will be as soleh as him and only speaks good words)
Muhammad diTAHNIKKAN oleh Ustaz Wan Sohor Bani Leman while both along and angah diTAHNIKkan oleh my husband coz masa tu tak join any Usrah.
Muhammad diTAHNIKKAN oleh Ustaz Wan Sohor Bani Leman while both along and angah diTAHNIKkan oleh my husband coz masa tu tak join any Usrah.
Ustaz Roslan making jokes before the TAHNIK session
Makcik Aida and baby
My beloved mak angkat.. I really thanks Allah for giving me such a good neighbour which I can regard as my own mother. Who gave me light when I'm in the darkness, the light of mengenal Allah and Islam through the Usrah. Who had devoted her life dan membenarkan rumahnya dijadikan sebagai tempat usrah .. Who always lending her hands to help in whatever situations eventhough she was also in trouble..
It had been more than 7 years that my family and I joined M.cik Aida's Usrah.. I started to know her from the class arranged for ladies at the mosque. I was really in the darkness that time, rasa kosong sangat jiwa ini tanpa sebarang pengisian and I kept praying to Allah to guide me to the right way.. Alhamdulillah Allah answers my prayers dengan mempertemukan aku dengan M.cik Aida... Long life to dear M.cik Aida and may Allah bless her kind heart and all the good deeds that she had done... kerana tempias daripada kebaikan itu dapat juga kami rasakan..
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hari Sukan Al-Amin 2008
Al-Amin is a private school. Both along and angah are schooling there. Every year there'll be Hari Sukan for the school. This is the only time when these children get the chance to play at a real padang as the school doesn't have one. I remember when I was in primary and secondary school, all my schools except SSP have huge padang we can say 'sejauh mata memandang'. We had fun running on it and bergolek2 on the grass. I just love the smell of the fresh grass in the morning which I can still remember till now..
Below are pictures of the Hari Sukan Al-Amin School that I had kept including this year. I just love to see the difference in the physical appearance of my kids when they grow. Along is in rumah BADAR (Red) while Angah is in rumah KHANDAK (Blue), they also have KHAIBAR (Yellow) and UHUD (Green) as well, named after the glorious war in Islam. They asked me what rumah I was in when I was small. I said Red. Yes, I always in the red house in whichever school I went. In SSP they named it after the precious stone. Mine was RUBY (red), there were SAPPHIRE (blue), EMERALD (green) and TOPAZ (yellow).. We were also being put in the same dormitory following the house group that we are in, the colour of our name tag also will follow the colour of the rumah .. I can even still remember my friend's house colour.. Ina, June, Elin, Yana, Jah, Azel are RUBY's and we stayed in the same dormitory. Gayah and Syeeqah also RUBY's but they were in the other dorm (our neighbour). Ella, As, Nora and Anne (EMERALD), Syeedah, Nini, Nita, Normi I can't really remember.. Was it Topaz?
But no matter how or where the school put us, the spirit of the same class (ILMU) is much more stronger.. He..He.. My kids asked their father about his house colour. He said BLACK!! They were 'melopong', I'm too.. Why BLACK..instead of other beautiful colours ?? But it was true that his house colour was BLACK (Ahmad), there were also WHITE (Idris), RED (Sulaiman) and YELLOW (Mohd Shah), it was named after the Sultan's name who were the old boys of MCKK... Both Along and Angah still wondering coz for them it should only be 4 colours for the house .. and BLACK and WHITE are exceptional.. He..He..He..
During Al-Amin Sports Day, you have to be energetic and running as well. This is because they separate the boys (aulad) and the girls (banat) acara at different places. So, if you have both banat and aulad in the family, you will have to running here and there to snap the pictures..He..He.. But it is good in terms of teaching them about 'aurat'..
Along was in Standard 1, angah was 4, not yet in Al-AminYEAR 2008 SPORTS DAY:
The Mascot for BADAR (Looks like Tiger though the head for the middle one was black in colour Ha..Ha..Ha..)
Angah (in Standard 1), the first from kumpulan KHANDAK (blue) masuk acara lari bawa belon
Getting ready to jump or run or crawl or whatever as long as they do not hold the balloon with their hands
Angah with his friend and adik
Waitting for the next acara
Next acara - lari ikat kaki
Along's turn - Acara lari dalam guni
Along was running in the guni.. He..He..
Changing place with friend to continue the race...
Angah showing his so called whiskers on his face
Only angah's photo, no photos of along's - this is what I mean by being fit to run here and there to snap photos on time He.. He..
And this is what I mean about the spirit of the "ILMU" class. He..He
Gathering at my house Oct 08 if I'm not mistaken (from left: As, me with Nita's 2nd daughter, Syeedah, Annee, Ella with Nita's baby, Nita with her 1st daughter)
Gathering at Ella's house Dec 08 (From left: Syeedah with her daughter Iffah, Ina, me, Ella-infront of me, Annee with my son Muhammad, Gayah with her children and Nora)
Below are pictures of the Hari Sukan Al-Amin School that I had kept including this year. I just love to see the difference in the physical appearance of my kids when they grow. Along is in rumah BADAR (Red) while Angah is in rumah KHANDAK (Blue), they also have KHAIBAR (Yellow) and UHUD (Green) as well, named after the glorious war in Islam. They asked me what rumah I was in when I was small. I said Red. Yes, I always in the red house in whichever school I went. In SSP they named it after the precious stone. Mine was RUBY (red), there were SAPPHIRE (blue), EMERALD (green) and TOPAZ (yellow).. We were also being put in the same dormitory following the house group that we are in, the colour of our name tag also will follow the colour of the rumah .. I can even still remember my friend's house colour.. Ina, June, Elin, Yana, Jah, Azel are RUBY's and we stayed in the same dormitory. Gayah and Syeeqah also RUBY's but they were in the other dorm (our neighbour). Ella, As, Nora and Anne (EMERALD), Syeedah, Nini, Nita, Normi I can't really remember.. Was it Topaz?
But no matter how or where the school put us, the spirit of the same class (ILMU) is much more stronger.. He..He.. My kids asked their father about his house colour. He said BLACK!! They were 'melopong', I'm too.. Why BLACK..instead of other beautiful colours ?? But it was true that his house colour was BLACK (Ahmad), there were also WHITE (Idris), RED (Sulaiman) and YELLOW (Mohd Shah), it was named after the Sultan's name who were the old boys of MCKK... Both Along and Angah still wondering coz for them it should only be 4 colours for the house .. and BLACK and WHITE are exceptional.. He..He..He..
During Al-Amin Sports Day, you have to be energetic and running as well. This is because they separate the boys (aulad) and the girls (banat) acara at different places. So, if you have both banat and aulad in the family, you will have to running here and there to snap the pictures..He..He.. But it is good in terms of teaching them about 'aurat'..
Along was in Standard 1, angah was 4, not yet in Al-AminYEAR 2008 SPORTS DAY:
The Mascot for BADAR (Looks like Tiger though the head for the middle one was black in colour Ha..Ha..Ha..)
Angah (in Standard 1), the first from kumpulan KHANDAK (blue) masuk acara lari bawa belon
Getting ready to jump or run or crawl or whatever as long as they do not hold the balloon with their hands
Angah with his friend and adik
Waitting for the next acara
Next acara - lari ikat kaki
Along's turn - Acara lari dalam guni
Along was running in the guni.. He..He..
Changing place with friend to continue the race...
Angah showing his so called whiskers on his face
Only angah's photo, no photos of along's - this is what I mean by being fit to run here and there to snap photos on time He.. He..
And this is what I mean about the spirit of the "ILMU" class. He..He
Gathering at my house Oct 08 if I'm not mistaken (from left: As, me with Nita's 2nd daughter, Syeedah, Annee, Ella with Nita's baby, Nita with her 1st daughter)
Gathering at Ella's house Dec 08 (From left: Syeedah with her daughter Iffah, Ina, me, Ella-infront of me, Annee with my son Muhammad, Gayah with her children and Nora)
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